What is grounding you right now?

Having a dedicated practice to slow down, get grounded and recenter when you notice you are stressed, overwhelmed, or overworked is essential for caring for yourself and staying on track with your wellness vision!

Lately, I can’t seem to stay in the house. The kids and I are out exploring, soaking in the fresh air, and counting every single blessing.

What’s helping you stay grounded and centered right now?

A mothers "why" - My "why"

Mothers "Why"

I want a strong and healthy spirit and body!

I want to stop dieting and eating differently than my family. I want to enjoy food around the dinner table while making memories with my husband and our children.

I want to raise my children in a happy home with a calm mother. I want the ability to respond calmly vs react swiftly.

I want my kids to feel peace and balance around food and lifestyle. 

I want to always remember that caring for my spirit and body is a righteous desire.

I want to stop comparing myself to other women and mothers. I want to lift mothers up and link arms as we navigate this highest and holiest of callings.

I want to be a light and spread light as far and as bright as I can.

I want to be the type of woman and mother that my earthly and heavenly parents can be proud of. The kind of wife my husband falls in love with over and over again, every single day. The type of mother that cares for her children on the tenderest of levels while teaching them to be kind and loving towards themselves and others. 

I want to be the woman who wakes up and makes a difference in the world and her home. 

We are dual beings. Each soul comprises body and spirit, both of which emanate from God. A firm understanding of body and spirit will shape our thoughts and deeds for good.

You are the expert. Not me.

Deciding what to eat and what to avoid can get a tad complicated. So much information out there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Don't worry, I'm guilty too. I've tried every fad diet known to mankind.

I was looking for something outside of me to "fix" me.

Fad diets didn't "fix" me. All I was doing was ignoring my body in favor of the latest trend.

I have learned to listen to my unique needs. I eat the foods I crave and that I know serve me well. I move in a way that feels right in my body and live a life of abundance and joy.

I believe our thoughts are energy, our feelings, and emotions, our intentions, our desires are all energy. We're transmitting energy all the time. I know you already have all of the tools inside of you to shift, move and heal your energy.

I want to help you dig deep, connect to your intuition and realize you don't need me telling you what to do. You are the expert of your body. I want to help you tune in and figure out what it's saying.

I'm on a mission to empower mothers to be their own experts, tune into their energy and heal themselves from the inside out.

Check out the "work with me" tab, and let's set up your FREE discovery call so you can learn how Nutritional Therapy can work for you!


EEEEK! Guess what?!
We are having a Memorial Day Sale and this is seriously my kind of sale!!!
Citrus oils are marked down 10-30% off! I’m obsessed with all things citrus. How about you?
These oils are used in cleaning my home, go in my water, in the diffuser and in almost all our roller blends!
They are just that diverse and just that good.

doTERRA has a so many yummy citrus oils, including Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Tangerine, Citrus Bliss, Green Mandarin, Tangerine and Wild Orange.

FUN FACTS: All citrus oils come from the rind of the fruit. Citrus essential oils are also all produced using cold expression, also known as cold-pressing.
It's so amazing to me how these citrus essential oils have the ability to affect our emotions. Most of these oils, including Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Tangerine, and Wild Orange can help uplift your mood or your energy levels. On the other hand, Bergamot is calming and soothing to the emotions.
The best way to use citrus oils for mood or emotional balance is to use them topically on the back of your neck or the bottom of your feet, or aromatically in a diffuser. Lemon, Lime, and Wild Orange also are excellent at purifying the air as they are diffused.
What is your favorite citrus oil?


Sprinkles are great for getting kids interested in their food. We use this tactic a lot in our home. I’m always looking for fun colors and shapes!

Plus, adding a healthy fat with fruit (like nut butter) will increase satiety - keeping them full longer and honestly just makes food taste better.

Have you used sprinkles to get toddlers more interested in their food?

My Vitality

Hey Mama! How are you today? One of the questions I get asked most often is "Where does all your energy come from?"

Well, I wanted to pop in and share my secrets with you!

Everyday life full of long to-do lists takes a toll but planning is KEY! Preparation and essential oils help keep my mind clear, energy high and immune system working optimally.

The rest I get at night is PRIORITY and non negotiable. The food I put into my body is a decision I consciously make out of love and respect for myself. FINALLY the supplements I consume are the absolute cherry on top of a healthy lifestyle.

So, when people ask me where I get all my energy... I tell them:

I sleep well
I eat well
I supplement well! 

The Lifelong Vitaluty pack is dōTERRA 's best selling product. Not an oil, but the SUPPLEMENTS! These supplements help you get the vitamins and minerals you might be missing on a daily basis and cover so much ground for supporting your overall health. The unique thing about these supplements is its a WHOLE FOOD supplement. It has nutrients in whole food form. Not like other vitamins and minerals you'll find at your local grocery store that are filled with things that are literally made from rocks and mineral salts and are not absorb-able by the body. In fact the most common calcium supplement today (calcium carbonate) your body can only absorb about 5% of  because its not in its whole food form. 

The LLV contains vitamins and minerals in its whole food form.

The lifelong vitality pack brought just that to my life, VITALITY!

The combination of high quality vitamins and minerals, cellular support and essential fatty acids has brought so much life back into my soul.

I have also noticed myself being calmer in the stressful moments of my day. I am empowered with the ability to manage a peaceful home and be a better wife and mother. 

The ability to think rationally and RESPOND vs. REACT to my situations has been such a blessing. I often pause and think, "I am really changing, I am so calm" Being an individual that has struggled with anxiety my whole life, I feel it completely appropriate to say this lifestyle has absolutely saved me.

Whether your facing anxiety, discomfort, compromised immune concerns, digestive issues, brain fog, or simply want to be positive your getting 100% of all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed for optimal health and wellness, Lifelong Vitality is going to be the best overall choice.
Can it really get better? dōTERRA guarantees that you will feel more energy and vitality in the first 30 days of taking these supplements. If you don’t, simply ship back the empty bottles for a 100% refund of your money

If you’re skeptical, I challenge you to try them for 30 days yourself. I have a feeling you’ll fall in love with feeling vitality back in your life too. 

Contact me and together we can get you started!



Is it too trendy? Are you skeptical? Are you always skeptical over trendy things..avoiding trendy stuff because they are..well, trendy?

I typically thought this way until I discovered the magic and simplicity of meditation and mindfulness.

Read this slowly. 
Mindfulness: "the act of bringing your full attention to the present moment on purpose."

Just beautiful. 

Have you experienced a moment where you're present but not really present? As if your mind slipped into autopilot. I know, I get it. I have run two small yet moderately successful, extremely demanding businesses out of my home, while most importantly, caring for the needs of my four small children. I am currently furthering my education, attempting to keep a clean and happy home, and strengthen my marriage... It's exhausting. Wonderful, yet exhausting.

Every time we switch focus from one thing to another, there is something called a switch cost, where the brain stumbles a bit and requires time to get back to where it was before it was distracted.

While my first experiences in mindfulness were not as successful as I had hoped, over time and with more practice, the number of uplifting discoveries and moments of stillness frequently occur throughout my day. 

What seemed tedious at first has changed into a wondrous practice.

As a young mom, I found quiet time rare. And although wonderful noise, still continuous noise through my home. Being busy is wonderful. The sound of my children screaming and giggling makes me happy. I enjoy running from soccer to dance to the park and library, grocery store, and post office. 

Life is good when it's busy... but to find time for silence is better.

We will all find our quiet time in different ways. We will all feel at peace at different times. The point is to find it. Find what calms your mind and allows the spirit to speak to your heart. If you can't find it, make it. Make time and make it a priority to work on you and your relationship with the universe.

In this day and in this world, it will most likely be that you have to consciously MAKE time. Most of us are expected to do and accomplish so much in so little time. Constantly feeling the need to please everyone and excel in everything. The thought to MAKE time to simply stop sounds silly. In fact, I find that people wear over-stimulation as a badge of honor. 

However, the beauty is there when we put down our juggling balls for a few moments and embrace mono-tasking. The mindfulness we give to the spirit and listen to our quiet moments.

What we do out of the silence and the application of mindfulness in our daily life is when the wondrous practice begins to form.  

Some days you may see me, a busy mom, most likely hustling the kids from one thing to the next, tapping on my phone in reply to some new and urgent demand, or at the grocery store in a panic picking up food for dinner because I have been too busy running around all day to prepare anything. And then, some days, you may find me out pushing my kids in the swing at the park. I am doing something remarkable. I am not looking at my phone. I am not listening to a podcast in one ear. I am simply pushing my children in the swing. Mindful of the moment and grateful to God for his plan of happiness. I stand and be still in gratitude. Giving the Lord and the universe my full attention, Philosopher Simone Weil said,  "attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity." And there is attention to the Lord and my blessings, my children, my husband, and even my trials... is where my wondrous practice is forming. 

Mindful living is not an all-or-nothing extreme. It's a lifelong project, a consistency in practice. 

Call to action:
Take a few deep breaths throughout your day and catch yourself in a small moment of being present. Washing the dishes or preparing your lunch. Be present in the moment and breath. Focus on the sounds, smells, and texture of the objects you're working with. If your mind wonders, or should I say when (because that is normal), notice the thoughts and gently and graciously let them go and come back to the moment. 
