Self educate and self experiment

We have to eat. We have to drink.
We do not have to make it difficult.

In the Western World we are fortunate enough to have access to foods in a wide variety all year round. However many people may desire to have a healthier lifestyle but lack the information that will help. Alternatively in this scientific time where the "science" of what to eat becomes a trend some may suffer not from a lack of knowledge but from the "high fact" diet. Regardless, the science of what to eat and drink has morphed drastically in just the past few decades. Seriously, egg yolks, a golden center of treasure or cholesterol soaked monster. (if you know me, you know my stance).

Should I eat high fat, low fat, calories in vs. calories out, carb cycle, whole 30, weight watchers, vegan, veterinarian, intermittent fast or intuitively eat? So much information being flashed in our faces every time we open a browser. All options may be a good tool or resource for times of your life or when dealing with certain health conditions. But that's just it, a tool, a resource, a guideline. If its not working, you're not doing it wrong, it may just not be what’s right for you.

Following a bio-individual philosophy at some point you must self-experiment. You must throw out the rules to XYZ diet and  you must trust your body. No matter how much information you obtain you won’t "fact" your way into perfect health or a hot body.

"Facts" do help and I encourage everyone to study health and nutrition but don't trust the status quo, the media or for heavens sake the food pyramid. Self educate and self-experiment. Where are your "facts" coming from? Who  is certifying them? Remember,  most nutrition "facts" will hold a short shelf life.

Find and feel your way to what feels best in your beautifully unique body. 


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