Is sugar in fruit bad for you?

There is a lot of heated discussion in the nutrition world around many topics.

How much fat, carbs, and protein should we be eating?
Should we be counting calories or macros?
Should we try and eat intuitively?
What about fasting or juicing?
Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Plant Based?

So much to discuss and argue over. 

However, most people can agree that sugar is not the best for our body. We recognize sugar as "empty calories" and know it can cause many health problems. Due to sugar being labeled as "bad" unfortunately fruit and the sugar in fruit has been labeled as "bad" or something that should be feared and consumed as a limited treat.

Confused about your sugar intake and where fruit fits in the equation?

Let's clear up some confusion! 

Unlike many foods that are high in added sugars, fruits are packaged with lots of nutrients that help provide us with good health and vitality.

Fruit is an excellent source of fiber. Fiber can not be broken down by our own human enzymes but is feeding the microbes in our gut. When these microorganisms eat the fiber we consume, they produce a number of important byproducts, including vitamin K2, B12, and short chain fatty acids. Fiber also aids in normalizing bowl movements, maintaining overall bowl health, lowers cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, and aids in healthy weight management.

Fruit is also a good source of other nutrients such as potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, and flavonoids, which may reduce risk or heart disease.

Evidence shows that eating whole fruits (alone and in combination with vegetables) reduces chances of  cancer, obesity and heart disease.

I always encourage my clients to eat properly prepared, nutrient dense, whole food diets that are full of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on the vegetables. 

Depending on your bio-individual needs and goals fruit can be a healthy addition to your lifestyle. As long as you're eating a balanced and varied diet, there is absolutely no reason to limit fruit intake - even bananas!

Do you want to know when and how I recommend eating fruits? Yes, I do believe there is a correct way to enjoy Gods natural candy. Let me know in the comments below and it might just be in next weeks post!

Happy Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is fun for everyone, except the Mama on a diet. While everyone is lined up around the BBQ and buffet table you're searching for a salad and maybe some fruit.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I want to share a few tips and tricks to help you have fun today and enjoy friends, family and America's birthday!

1. Eat your veggies!  Yes, summer BBQ or family party, I suggest eating veggies first and always add a second serving. You will be packing in some extra flavor and your portion size will double.

2. Bring a dish. A variety of people means a variety in the potluck. Don't be afraid to bring a dish that you'll enjoy as well as expose friends and family to something new and delicious.

3. Treat yourself. I like to treat myself to something cool and sweet during the summer heat and family gatherings. The key is recognizing portion sizes and listening to your fullness signals. Take a serving and sit to enjoy, once you've finished, move on!! Get up and get moving, play with the kids or visit with a friend. Move around and take your mind off of the sweets, focusing on the meaning of the gathering (the people, not the food).

4. Drink WATER. Making sure you stay properly hydrated is probably my number one rule all year round but even more so in the summer. It doesn't just keep you alive but helps you thrive! Water helps your cells communicate, regulates your body temperature, protects joints and even makes breathing easier. (you know how I am about the breath). It's amazing to me the change in my body after a few deep breaths and a glass of water!

5. Get in a morning workout. If you have kids, a job or any heavy demands through the day, mornings will be the best time to get some time to yourself. The morning is cooler, calmer and the perfect time to fill your emotional cup. Start the day feeling accomplished and cared for so you in turn can care for others. Plus, exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy, so start your day with a boost of endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety.

Remember don't think of today as your diet disaster and decline any invitation in fear of the buffet table. 

LIVE, LOVE and ENJOY life.

Today is just another day of your healthy lifestyle and another day to have fun and surround yourself with good food and great friends.

Happy Fourth Mamas.

Warm lemon water and ginger

Stay hydrated this summer and give your digestive system a little detox and immune system a little support with this naturally soothing, anti-inflammatory Ginger and Warm Lemon Water drink.

Now, don't be fooled, if you've heard of warm lemon water for an easy detox, fat burner, drinking your way into weight loss, lose weight quickly, get a fat belly fast or any other "health claim" you may have heard, that may not be the case.

I will tell you this drink combination is no magic weight loss recipe or quick detox. It is simply one step in supporting your body into natural, gentle detox. It is a stepping stone in creating a foundation of a natural healthy lifestyle to reduce the number of toxins we consume as well as aid the bodies natural ability to remove the toxins we do encounter on a daily basis.

I’ve been waking up for a long time now with water first thing and highly recommend just starting there. Then after that became habit I added 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon juice, once that became a habit I added the ginger root.

Ginger root looks intimidating, I never really knew what to do with it or how much to use. However, it’s as simple as can be - after I watched a few YouTube videos lol. Just cut off a little nub, slice off the outer peal and grate right into your cup!

Warm lemon ginger water first thing on an empty tummy will give you a gentle little detox every day and can support overall health.

Cleanse the body
Boost immunity
Aid digestion
Boost metabolism 
Improve appearance of the skin 

Warm lemon and ginger water:
1 cup warm water
1/2 fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated 

I love this drink and continue to have it every morning. I hope you try and enjoy the health benefits. Let me know if yo do by tagging me on social media or commenting below!