Happy Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is fun for everyone, except the Mama on a diet. While everyone is lined up around the BBQ and buffet table you're searching for a salad and maybe some fruit.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I want to share a few tips and tricks to help you have fun today and enjoy friends, family and America's birthday!

1. Eat your veggies!  Yes, summer BBQ or family party, I suggest eating veggies first and always add a second serving. You will be packing in some extra flavor and your portion size will double.

2. Bring a dish. A variety of people means a variety in the potluck. Don't be afraid to bring a dish that you'll enjoy as well as expose friends and family to something new and delicious.

3. Treat yourself. I like to treat myself to something cool and sweet during the summer heat and family gatherings. The key is recognizing portion sizes and listening to your fullness signals. Take a serving and sit to enjoy, once you've finished, move on!! Get up and get moving, play with the kids or visit with a friend. Move around and take your mind off of the sweets, focusing on the meaning of the gathering (the people, not the food).

4. Drink WATER. Making sure you stay properly hydrated is probably my number one rule all year round but even more so in the summer. It doesn't just keep you alive but helps you thrive! Water helps your cells communicate, regulates your body temperature, protects joints and even makes breathing easier. (you know how I am about the breath). It's amazing to me the change in my body after a few deep breaths and a glass of water!

5. Get in a morning workout. If you have kids, a job or any heavy demands through the day, mornings will be the best time to get some time to yourself. The morning is cooler, calmer and the perfect time to fill your emotional cup. Start the day feeling accomplished and cared for so you in turn can care for others. Plus, exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy, so start your day with a boost of endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety.

Remember don't think of today as your diet disaster and decline any invitation in fear of the buffet table. 

LIVE, LOVE and ENJOY life.

Today is just another day of your healthy lifestyle and another day to have fun and surround yourself with good food and great friends.

Happy Fourth Mamas.

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