Having an "adding" mindset

 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

When I hear people tell me things like "Oh you eat so healthy" or "you have so much willpower." I often wonder if they think I woke up one day and made one giant U turn from my college pantry filled with Top Ramen, blue box mac and cheese, soda and sugar high cereals. Not to mention fruit snacks, Yes... those were a staple for me. Any of my roommates will vouch for that. 

Looking back at my transformation and pondering the best starting advice I can offer, it is truly baby steps and having an "adding" mindset. Now, I still struggle and like any other human I always will but my relationship with food is that of a healing one. 

I don't wake up every morning thinking "today I'm going to be healthy". I eat to fuel my body, I nourish with what makes me feel good and what I know was designed for my body to consume by my creator. 

We can not make food better than nature

Having an"adding" mindset is the very best place to start. Rather than focusing on everything you need to take out and maybe consciously or unconsciously punishing yourself, think of rewarding yourself and caring for your body. Think of your body as a vessel for your spirit and thanking it for what it goes through every day and night to allow you to be present in your life. Think of what you can "add" to live fully. 

Real, whole foods period. 

I know there is plethora of information out there and a lot of fad diets. It can be overwhelming and hard to determine what path is best for your individual needs. 

Just breathe and then breathe more. Think nourishing, uplifting thoughts about your food. Be grateful we have been blessed with so many nutrient dense foods found in nature. Thank your creator at every opportunity to heal your body with what has been provided by His hands. 

A lifestyle change and total mindful gratitude toward our food takes time and slow, steady changes. Changes that will lead to long term health and wellness with benefits that go far beyond those of the 10lbs you may lose on that crash/fad diet. 

Again, real, whole foods period. 

Would you like a few tips on how to easily "add" whole foods into your routine. Be sure to check back next week or sign up for email notifications on new posts.  



  1. I woke up this morning with a pantry full of Ramen Noodles, Macaroni and Cheese, Cookies, Crackers and Sugary Cereals... I haven’t personally been eating of it but have it for everyone else. Maybe I should think more healthy for my whole family and not just myself.
    Grandkids get Eggs and Friit for breakfast instead of Frosted Flakes.
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Can’t wait for next week!!

    1. Just add some good a little at a time! I love you so much.

  2. I try to shift my mindset to eating better all the time. I go to the store... buy the yams, brussel sprouts, avocados, strawberries, eggs... then go right back to eating the fried and frozen food within 2 days. I feel my body wanting better nutrition but my cravings are for the unhealthy food. It feels so hopeless. Your blog is inspiring!! Maybe I can hire you to tell me what to do step by step everyday until I get it right. :)
