My practice

-My practice

The hardest part of the journey is taking the first step.

I stepped forward and followed my intuition where it led me.

I found yoga. 
I found breath and movement. 
I found love and belonging. 
I found acceptance and peace. 
I found calm and stillness. 

I created balance. Balance that came from slowing down and creating moments of silence. Focusing only on the love I had for myself and for those around me.

Before I knew what was happening my yoga mat transformed from a trainer into a therapist. It wasn't uncommon in the first few months or even year of my practice for me to break down into tears daily. Sometimes it was loud sobs and other times a soft few drops down my cheeks. Floods of emotions were rushing through me and tension melting away. 

I realized how much tension my body actually was holding onto. I was moving and breathing, releasing not only tension but all my emotions I had buried inside. 

If you’re just starting, or continuing a daily practice, my advice... If you feel the tears coming, let them roll. Although my tears show up a little less often ( I like to think this is because I am working on being mindful of my emotions and present during my day) the mat somehow still pulls my thoughts and feelings out of me at unexpected times. I welcome them. I welcome tears of joy and grief, excitment and anger, pleasure and pain. No judgments on my mat. Trust your body to feel the emotions as they show up. It wont hurt you, and if your like me, they might just heal you. 

"Yoga is a daily practice of yoking your heart to your mind, your mind to your breath , your breath to your body, your body to the earth and the rest of humanity." 



  1. Ashley! I love your post. Your words are inspiring and so beautiful. It's what I needed to hear this morning. I've been reading a book on meditation and it crosses over into yoga since they share a mutual foundation. Thank you for being a part of what I needed to learn and contemplate today.

    1. Thank you so much Marie! I am so glad you enjoyed the post and we share a love of meditation and yoga.
