Knowing my limits


Another very trendy topic and somewhat of an eye roll by busy mamas.

If you thought I was just going to encourage you to take a bubble bath, you are not exactly right, but you're not wrong either.

If taking a bubble bath, getting a massage or spending a few hours at a spa is something you can do and enjoy doing, please do!

Treat yo-self and treat yo-cells

I love bubble baths. I would love even more to throw in some flower petals and bath salts, to light a candle and relax to some music. Yes, sign me up for all the at home spa-like nights. However all the bubble baths being enjoyed at my house are by my 2 and 5yr old. 

If planning self-care time is stressing you out, it's not necessarily self-care then is it?! It's not about what you should be doing to relax or what your friends do to relax, it's what feels good to you. How do you relax?

For the past few months my self-care mindset has shifted drastically.. 

Knowing my limits. 

Knowing when I don't have the time, energy or the opportunity to make it through my "to-do" list or to take care of all the worthy desires of my heart. I love and often repeat to myself the quote "I can do anything, but not everything" We do not have to do it all. "Doing it all" is not required of us.

D&C 10:4 "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means"

I make a "to-do" list or schedule for my day to stay organized but then I step back and pause. I breathe and be mindful of where my time and energy is most needed. I simply can't overwork and stress my mind and body out in the afternoon, I realize I need to be at the "top of my game" for my family in the after school/before dinner time hours. We have things like, after school snacks, homework, dinner prep, chores, additional errands and pure family time. It's a time of family connection, where gentleness is needed.

My sister and one of my very best friends could tell I was trying to push too hard in the afternoon. I was guilty of wearing my "busy schedule" and daily accomplishments as a badge of honor or as if I was worthy of some sort of praise, but really... by who and why? She simply told me to sit, unpug (unplug being KEY here) and rest. Rest my mind and my body. Relax and deep breathe, prep for the evening time so I can be my best self for not only myself but for those around me that truly are affected by my energy and attitude. 

This took some time and grace for me to not feel lazy, like I should be out serving someone or cleaning something. After time I found that I can serve others and actually run my home much smoother with a few minutes of "me time".

Me time: where I sit and relax. Where I might read something uplifting, snuggle with my baby or get a much needed nap. 

Errands are still being taken care of, cleaning or home projects are still accomplished but not by an overworked mama about to hit her breaking point. 

Taking some time for my self-care and personal rest is a priority for me to do before it NEEDS to be done. I have empowered myself and my mind to give up a few good things to do great things. 

It fascinates me that with a little more rest I actually find myself doing more. Being in nature more, caring for my kids more, serving more and loving more. A better inside allows me to serve better on the outside. 

By not striving to do everything, I can do anything. -with a smile too. 


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