Experimenting with macronutrients

Alright my dears, let's get down to business. If you haven't read my previous posts on nutrition, I recommend you start there and understand my position on a very holistic bio-individual approach to health and wellness. There is no one perfect diet for everyone, but I hope to provide you with a few tips and tricks to find the right whole foods and a macronutrient balance that is optimal for you to thrive.

Do I believe a "Paleo" diet is 100% for EVERYONE? NO!
Do I believe it's 100% for me? NO!

I do believe humans were designed to eat whole foods that were provided by our creator.
I do believe eating healthy will benefit everyone.
I do believe meals should be nutrient dense, properly prepared, satisfying and DELICIOUS!
However healthy amounts, certain food intolerance, macro balance and timing will look different for everyone.

Getting nutrient dense, whole foods in your proper macronutrient ratio will help you start your journey.

What is a macronutrient? 
They are the nutrients we need in big "macro" quantities.

Protein, carbohydrate, fat. 

My desire is to help you have a healthy mindset and be aware of the makeup or "macro-balance" that is making you feel your very best. The balance that gives you constant energy, that allows you to kick the afternoon caffeine, keeps you awake and alert, allows mental clarity and basically keeps you running to your desired level. Do you know what else comes from a proper balanced macro approach.. things like blood sugar regulation, regulating your mood, appetite and hormone control.

How do we do this with out focusing and obsessing on the numbers? We experiment. If you read my post HERE you know I believe we must do the work ourselves. Unless you have a medical condition and are working closely with a practitioner (even then sometimes) we just need to learn to listen to our bodies response and tweak things to fit our needs. It can get complicated or frustrating because your needs also change from time to time. Especially as women, we are cyclical creatures that needs vary on the time of the month or our season in life. That can be frustrating and exciting as you start to put together patterns of signals your body is giving you. 

So we experiment, empower yourself and know you're a unique butterfly ready to spread her wings. Approach it as not a prescription of set macros but observe your meals through the week with curiosity and study... 

Write it down and keep a journal at first. Ask yourself further questions..  

Where is my protein, fat and carbohydrate coming from? 
Are my fat sources healthy?
What is my sugar intake like?
Do I get enough fiber?
Am I eating in patterns... am I grabbing foods that don't serve me at certain times of the day (stressed eating, eating in fatigue or emotional binging)?

Through your experiment always, always allow grace in your heart. You are not doing this to be little your choices or to shame yourself. You are doing this to create a healthy lifestyle and nourish your cells with proper nutrition. You want to do this out of love for yourself with the upmost caution and care toward yourself. Just notice what your plate and patterns look like so you can begin your personal experiment with as much data as you can gather.

Make a journal and allow curiosity and grace to enter into your heart as your approach your experiment.

Remember macros can create awareness they should not create shame. If you feel shame creeping in, acknowledge your feeling and remind yourself why you are taking a new approach and empower yourself through change.

Foods isn't JUST calories, food is a beautiful makeup of  medicine, fuel and love for our bodies.


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