
Is it too trendy? Are you skeptical? Are you always skeptical over trendy things..avoiding trendy stuff because they are..well, trendy?

I typically thought this way until I discovered the magic and simplicity of meditation and mindfulness.

Read this slowly. 
Mindfulness: "the act of bringing your full attention to the present moment on purpose."

Just beautiful. 

Have you experienced a moment where you're present but not really present? As if your mind slipped into autopilot. I know, I get it. I have run two small yet moderately successful, extremely demanding businesses out of my home, while most importantly, caring for the needs of my four small children. I am currently furthering my education, attempting to keep a clean and happy home, and strengthen my marriage... It's exhausting. Wonderful, yet exhausting.

Every time we switch focus from one thing to another, there is something called a switch cost, where the brain stumbles a bit and requires time to get back to where it was before it was distracted.

While my first experiences in mindfulness were not as successful as I had hoped, over time and with more practice, the number of uplifting discoveries and moments of stillness frequently occur throughout my day. 

What seemed tedious at first has changed into a wondrous practice.

As a young mom, I found quiet time rare. And although wonderful noise, still continuous noise through my home. Being busy is wonderful. The sound of my children screaming and giggling makes me happy. I enjoy running from soccer to dance to the park and library, grocery store, and post office. 

Life is good when it's busy... but to find time for silence is better.

We will all find our quiet time in different ways. We will all feel at peace at different times. The point is to find it. Find what calms your mind and allows the spirit to speak to your heart. If you can't find it, make it. Make time and make it a priority to work on you and your relationship with the universe.

In this day and in this world, it will most likely be that you have to consciously MAKE time. Most of us are expected to do and accomplish so much in so little time. Constantly feeling the need to please everyone and excel in everything. The thought to MAKE time to simply stop sounds silly. In fact, I find that people wear over-stimulation as a badge of honor. 

However, the beauty is there when we put down our juggling balls for a few moments and embrace mono-tasking. The mindfulness we give to the spirit and listen to our quiet moments.

What we do out of the silence and the application of mindfulness in our daily life is when the wondrous practice begins to form.  

Some days you may see me, a busy mom, most likely hustling the kids from one thing to the next, tapping on my phone in reply to some new and urgent demand, or at the grocery store in a panic picking up food for dinner because I have been too busy running around all day to prepare anything. And then, some days, you may find me out pushing my kids in the swing at the park. I am doing something remarkable. I am not looking at my phone. I am not listening to a podcast in one ear. I am simply pushing my children in the swing. Mindful of the moment and grateful to God for his plan of happiness. I stand and be still in gratitude. Giving the Lord and the universe my full attention, Philosopher Simone Weil said,  "attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity." And there is attention to the Lord and my blessings, my children, my husband, and even my trials... is where my wondrous practice is forming. 

Mindful living is not an all-or-nothing extreme. It's a lifelong project, a consistency in practice. 

Call to action:
Take a few deep breaths throughout your day and catch yourself in a small moment of being present. Washing the dishes or preparing your lunch. Be present in the moment and breath. Focus on the sounds, smells, and texture of the objects you're working with. If your mind wonders, or should I say when (because that is normal), notice the thoughts and gently and graciously let them go and come back to the moment. 


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